Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Aus dem Stegreif

Once again I've slowed down and ended up in the middle of nowhere at a roadhouse.  For those who don't know, a roadhouse is kind of like a truck stop/community hub in rural Australia.  A resting point for weary travelers tramping across the great emptiness of Oz and a local meeting place for farmers and miners.  It's a good place to look at what I've learned about the world and an even better place to evaluate who I am.  The first things you learn while traveling is your strength and weaknesses.  I'm making a list of them and hopefully will post them later on, but first where I've been the past couple of months.

The dairy farm was what it was, a 12 hour a day, six day a week ball buster that paid peanuts.  My boss was German and the most efficient man I've ever met.  Nothing went to waste on the farm and he had everything planned out six moves in advance.  He was a taskmaster and being who I am I received the nickname Troubles from my coworkers because I was always being crucified for either driving too fast, joking too much or just saying what I thought.  All things I take pride in.  One thing I've learned from traveling and 30 years of life is to be who you are.  Change and growth are two different entities.

With that said, the dairy farm will always hold a special place in my heart.  My co-workers were amazing and there was never a dull moment between a cow pissing in my mouth while I was yawning or getting an ATV stuck in three feet of mud only to get myself stuck trying to get out.  Things that will humble you and give a broader sense of humor at the same time.  But like that badass guitarist once said, All Thing Must Pass.  The main reason I was working there was to fulfil my second year visa requirement of working on a farm.  And then I found out Americans couldn't get second year visa, so I packed up and headed to the city to be lazy.

I stayed the past couple of months in Melbourne with my German bosses son, a guy that is the complete opposite of his father.  Genetics are funny; I'm just like my father but if I didn't know better I would say my brother was adopted. 

I wish I had some great stories to tell you about my time in Melbourne but I did what most guys wish they could still do; smoke pot, play video games and watching a shit ton of movies.  Did you know Mr. T made a movie in 1984 called The Toughest Man in the World?  It's so bad that Rotten Tomatoes doesn't even have it listed.  Watch it and I guarantee you'll be quoting it for months.

We did however make a golf course in the backyard.  I wish I could show you all 5 holes but I only have video for the first two.  Enjoy.

I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps

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