Today is Christmas eve here in Oz. I started the day with a split shift at the grand ole roadhouse. Unlike past Christmas', it was just another day. I made the whole season without hearing a Christmas song, seeing a tree or decorations. I was proud of that until today, when I remembered who I was.
A guy in a wheel chair came in looking for a room. We weren't suppose to sell any rooms, since we're closed tomorrow, but I talked my boss into it. It's Christmas and he's in a wheel chair, right? Then something great happened. A random guy came up and bought said wheel chair guy a room and steak dinner.
I know what you're thinking, it's a mini-Christmas miracle. Well the wheel chair guy was kind of dick. I shrugged it off because I'm a dick and a I have two legs.
I did his laundry in our pay machines. He complained and I complained. I thought his point about not wanting to pay the three dollars for the dryer was asinine; I summed him up by the newer car he drove. His clothes cleaned, I passed them off with a sigh of relief.
Later that night I saw the guy getting his wet clothes off the railing and offered him a smoke. Turns out we are both merchant mariners. He lost his legs in the line of work. Something I could of done a million times with my dumb ass bosses. We had a great talk about life and how travel makes you a better person.
While it's not a Christmas miracle. It was something I needed. Every time I want to give up and go home, something like that happens.
This is why I travel.
*Side note. My bosses daughter asked me if we celebrated Christmas in the U.S. I laughed and said, 'more than you will ever know'.
the ashes of American flags
And all the fallen leaves
filling up shopping bags